
Empowering Little Lives with healthcare

Empowering Little Lives: Measles and Rubella Vaccination Camp brings Hope to Neoriya Baank Children

In March 2019, a vaccination camp was conducted by the government at the NEORIYA BAANK Community Center to protect against measles and rubella. The camp aimed to provide preventive measures, and it successfully benefited 83 children between the ages of 9 months to 15 years. The event was attended by M.M Tyagi, a committee member of CHS, along with Manjulata Mishra, Assistant (ANM), and Nilam Devi, an Asha worker. Mr. Shahrukh Husain, a member of our team, explained the advantages of this vaccination camp. At the end of the program, Mr. Tyagi expressed his appreciation for the commendable work done.

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